P206: Python Junior 2

For Ages 11-13

Start your journey with Python
Python is a versatile and practical text-based programming language suitable for young students.
Apply Mathematics
Learn how to Write a Python program that helps solve a Mathematics problem sum.
Logic and Problem-Solving Skills
Learn to break problems down into smaller and simpler components to solve.
Let Your Child Take Python Coding To The Next Level

Upon completing our Python Junior 1 (P206) curriculum, your child will have learned how to run loops with conditionals to solve various Math problems.

In this program specifically designed based on the Singapore PSLE Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics will be used as the context through which students pick up Python programming skills. They will learn how to apply Mathematical Operators to calculate the area of a square or even develop a BMI Calculator (Who knew that +, -, x, ÷ could be so fun!). They will also make use of conditionals to create a Movie-Age checker. And what about finding the lowest common multiple of two numbers, with just a touch of the button? Kids get to learn these, and much more in our Python Meets Math classes!

Dice guessing game utilising concepts such as Random, While Loop and Conditionals by Collin, 10 years Old
See the real-world applicability of Python with this Health Game coded by our student!

Completing this module is a prerequisite for the Advanced Computer Scientists programme.

Want to find out more? Meet some of our students or check out our FAQs.

I really enjoy my lessons at Coding Lab; the small class size allows me to ask questions freely and interact with the teacher. I enjoy building code as it makes me think and approach problems systematically. Dylan, 11 years old
The course is a good start for kids to learn Python. The instructor is very patient and very helpful. He would pace the lesson and let the kids digest the materials. Parent of Loo Ray, Python Junior 1+2

Logical operators and Truth tables
Learning and Applying logical operators (And, Or, Not)
Develop a Movie-Age Checker

While Loops
Using while loops
Applying while loops to Mathematics (Eg. Prime numbers, Lowest Common Multiple)
Problem-sum solving with Guess and Check

Using Modules and Libraries
Random numbers

Hackathon and Challenges
Timed Challenges for students to stretch their abilities

Class Format
5 x 2 Hours
5 sessions, 2 hours per session
Weekly / 5 days intensive
SG$238.08 (use "MYCODEONLINE" at checkout)

For Students
• Ages 11 to 13 or
• Completed P205 or
• Passed the placement test with Coding Lab
Course Structure
• eBook and video-on-demand provided
• LIVE Online Classes
• Maximum 1:8 Instructor-Student ratio
• 10 hours duration



Learn from the comfort of your home. All our lessons are conducted online using Zoom. Your child will get to interact with their teacher and classmates in real-time.



ICS Student Feature: Keian Teh, 11, 2nd Place (Python)

Watch 11-year-old Keian eloquently present his very own Python project, which uses Python Turtle. It aims to encourage people to bring out their creative side and draw anything that they want. This project won him 2nd Place (Python) in the International Coding Showcase 2020.

ICS Student Feature: Dhanvin Mohan Ram, 11, Overall People's Choice Awards

Watch 11-year-old Dhanvin's roulette program that was coded with Python and explores Mathematical concepts! His project won him the Overall People's Choice Award in the International Coding Showcase 2020.

ICS Student Feature: Isaac Khong, 10, (Judges’ Choices) Social Impact Award

Watch 10-year-old Isaac presenting his budgeting project. Combining Math and Python programming, it helps one to plan their expenses and generates graphs to help one budget. This impressive project won him Social Impact Award in the International Coding Showcase 2020.